What is Neobux.com?

Neobux.com - A PTC website which maintains a leading position in the PTC industry for over three years now; there is no other PTC website present that has reached the same popularity as Neobux. The amount of payments and users grow everyday. As from 22 July 2011, Neobux has paid its members 50 million US dollars. 

Neobux was traditionally classified as a bux site, but since the inception of the new advertisement changes on 13 March 2011 Neobux has evolved into a hybrid PTC model - a combination of a bux, PTC and mini-PTC site. Bux sites generally display self-sponsored ads, and depend on upgrades and rentals to pay its members for viewing those self-sponsored ads. This is the main reason why most bux sites fail and turn scam. Neobux has never ever relied on rentals and upgrades, and therefore has successfully managed to remain up and running as apposed to other bux sites that generally turn scam within 6 months of opening. While many people have previously viewed Neobux as a full bux site the Neobux Admin has repeatedly maintained that Neobux has always been a PTC site; as quoted from an authenticated interview that was released on 14 August 2011: "NeoBux has always been a PTC website. We never changed our business model, but we did changes (and we will continue to do so) which are welcomed improvements/additions for our users and advertisers ... NeoBux doesn’t differ from that as it’s a PTC underneath with lots of tweaks and additions. The so called “Bux” model is what people refer to the failed attempts to mimic us and that model has many variables which don’t exist in our DNA thus our continued success and their eminent short life ... The only “Bux” part we have is actually in our name."

Prior to 13 March 2011 Neobux displayed a minimum of 4 guaranteed self-sponsored ads daily, while adverts from real advertisers were displayed on a random basis. The current system now allows adverts from real advertisers to be displayed as guaranteed or fixed ads. Combined with the reduction in advertising prices, adverts from real advertisers now feature more predominantly over the self-sponsored ads, thus giving advertisers better exposure.

In addition to keeping advertisers happy, Neobux is aiming to be an even more unique PTC site than what it already is. When Neobux was launched 3years ago on 25 March 2008, Neobux revolutionised the PTC Industry by introducing the Rent-a-Ref System and Instant Payments. Against all odds Neobux has managed to survive this fickle industry and become the leader, but in the process, many PTC-wannabe owners copied the Neobux model and destroyed the idea of what a PTC website should represent by introducing bots into the rental system, etc. Many were motivated by greed, only to simply make a quick buck for themselves. Neobux is now aiming to restore the former glory of the PTC Industry by revolutionising the PTC Industry once again.

To move away from the erroneous "bux" model in which Neobux was previously classified, and breaking boundaries of what a PTC site should actually be, the Neobux Admin has introduced a new concept or theme: "More simplicity with more earnings for everyone". With this new PTC model in mind, Neobux plans to evolve into PTC site that requires less and less investment, eventually requiring none. This process has already begun by the introduction of NeoPoints.

The domain nameNeobux.com, was registered on March 10, 2008, and expires in 2021. Whois information about the domain is public: Neobux.com Whois.

Source: BoxWiki